Learn About Unique Advantages at Campus, formerly MTI College

Choosing a college is a tough decision, and when you are looking for a career-based college education, there is a lot of noise out there. What makes Campus, formerly MTI College, different from other vocational colleges? At Campus, evidence shows we emphasize student success, not our profit margin. Schools like Carrington College and Unitek College in Sacramento don't have their roots here. They may be good schools, but if you are looking for a local college with true local roots, Campus is the answer. Compare Campus and contact us today for more information on our background, mission and how we compare to the big-box schools.

Academic YearCampus, formerly MTI CollegeCarrington CollegeUnitek College
Paralegal Program Approved by the American Bar Association
Amazon AWS Academy
Microsoft Imagine Academy
Paul Mitchell the School Cosmetology and Barbering Program
Over 50 years of community-based operations and ownership
Guaranteed Graduate Program for employers