We stand behind our grads with a money-back guarantee to employers!

At Campus, formerly MTI College, we are acutely aware of the time and energy that employers invest in new employees. We have made it our mission to prepare our students to be a reliable asset in their chosen fields of study. Campus' confidence in our graduates now comes with a spectacular salary-back guarantee!

Campus is pleased to introduce the Campus Guaranteed Graduate program that allows employers to hire Campus graduates with the confidence of knowing that their new employees have the backing of the college that prepared them for the job.

Campus is dedicated to serving the best interests of our students and graduates and the Guaranteed Graduate Program is another example of our commitment to the community we serve. Of course, with any new program there are many questions to be answered. We hope you will find the following information helpful. For complete program details, or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Campus' Career Services department at (916) 339-1500 ext. 285.

Here's how it works:

  • Being a Guaranteed Graduate is something that is earned by our graduates. Students are encouraged to strive for this goal beginning at the time of enrollment.
  • Not all Campus graduates are eligible to become a Guaranteed Graduate. To qualify, a graduate must have excellent grades and outstanding attendance. Candidates for this program undergo a rigorous screening process to make sure that they are ready to work for you.
  • After the Guaranteed Graduate is hired and on the job, we ask that employers complete a 2-week progress update and return it to Career Services.
  • If the employer experiences issues or concerns with a Guaranteed Graduate's performance at any time during the first 30-calendar days of employment, the employer can contact Campus to give us the opportunity to coach the graduate and provide additional support.
  • If the employer decides to terminate a Guaranteed Graduate within the first 30-calendar days of employment, Campus will refund the first 30 days documented earnings paid to the Guaranteed Graduate up to $3,000.
  • The program is only valid for a graduate's first job obtained after graduating from a Campus program.

Campus stands by our graduates! Contact Campus, formerly MTI College, to learn more about the program or discuss your specific hiring needs. To obtain a copy of the Guaranteed Graduate Agreement, contact the Career Services Department.