Campus Sacramento Program Formats

Currently, each program at Campus Sacramento, formerly MTI College, has one of three ways to attend and earn your degree or certificate: traditional in-person classes, fully online, or a hybrid model we call Hybrid. (Note: Programs typically have one option each, which will be one of these three modes.)

Over the past few years, educational institutions have had to evolve the ways they teach students and deliver classes. Campus is no exception to this change. We have been working hard behind the scenes to develop and introduce different ways for students to learn, that fit their changing needs, without sacrificing quality. As always, our commitment is to our students, making sure that we are giving them the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary for pursuing successful careers after graduation.

For all our students, there is a mode of attending classes at Campus. Each program is one of these three: fully on-campus, fully remote, or Hybrid. If you want to get more information from our Admissions department, fill out our contact form or give us a call at (916) 339-1500.

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The form of college that most people are familiar with is traditional, on-campus attendance. Campus, formerly known as MTI College, has its fair share of these traditional programs. Students can get both personal support and support from the instructor. In-person labs and real-time class discussion are characteristics of in-person, traditional programs. For these programs, most classes will be taken on-campus and in-person with an instructor.

For students who have a social learning style (sometimes also known as an Interpersonal learning style) attending classes at our Sacramento campus might make the most sense. With in-person classes, Campus faculty work closely with students, ensuring they understand content and are successful.

As with our hybrid learning and online learning programs, students have full access to career counseling, tutoring, and other academic aids, either on-campus or virtually.

View in-person programs


Hybrid is an innovative new hybrid learning approach for various programs at Campus, formerly known as MTI College. Most classes are completed remotely, with minimal mandatory on-campus attendance.

With Hybrid, there are real-time remote classes that meet at specified times, just like an on-campus class. The big advantage is that students can save the commute time, except for the minimum required on-campus attendance.

In many ways, Hybrid offers the best of both worlds. Students still attend live labs and discussions online, and get questions answered in real-time by instructors at specified times during the week. There are recorded lectures that students can go through at home, as well as opportunities for on-campus lab attendance where topics and questions can be clarified. This program structure helps ensure that Campus students still get the personal attention and help from faculty that traditional, on-campus students receive.

One major distinction between Hybrid and mass-market online colleges is that there are scheduled deadlines and class structures. Students must stay on track to complete coursework before deadlines pass. Our Campus instructors check in with students regularly to make sure they are completing coursework on time. Hybrid students may also have a few opportunities during a quarter where they meet in-person and get a chance to interact with their teachers and each other.

Hybrid students have full access to financial aid, tutoring, academic help, and career advice either in-person at our Sacramento campus, or online through virtual meetings. Our Hybrid programs offer the best of on-campus and online education for our students seeking structure and real learning in the Sacramento region.

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For selected programs, Campus, formerly known as MTI College, has fully online classes through our e-learning portal. These classes are entirely remote, using our Learning Management System (LMS). Many classes are also scheduled to meet at specified times through video conferencing. While there is some added flexibility in completing coursework, there are still set deadlines and class structures. Teachers can track which students have completed coursework and fulfilled the virtual attendance requirement. Instructors may measure progress and answer student questions through online student forums or discussion boards.

The online lectures in our fully online classes are current, topical, and structured to impart maximum practical knowledge to students. These lectures are a combination of live, scheduled lectures and recorded lectures that can be viewed at the student's leisure. In online classes, instructors will always still be available for answering questions, giving guidance, and offering help to students.

As with all our other programs, our commitment to quality of education and resources for our students is our prime objective. All students in the online learning programs have access to tutoring, instructional labs, academic advice, financial aid programs, and career guidance. Students can access these resources either online or in-person at our campus.

Note: Some of our online programs are tailored for students that have already achieved specific prerequisites, allowing them to fast track to graduation without repeating classes they have already taken.

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